Cultural Studies |
Book Title |
Author |
Year |
Description |
The Culture Industry: Selected Essays on Mass Culture |
Theodor W. Adorno |
1981 |
a collection of essays that offers a influential critique of mass culture and its effects on society. |
The Uses of Literacy |
Richard Hoggart |
1957 |
an influential analysis of the role of culture and communication in shaping society and personal identity. |
Orientalism |
Edward Said |
1978 |
an influential critique of the way that Western cultures have represented and appropriated the cultures of the East. |
The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life |
Erving Goffman |
1959 |
an influential analysis of the role of social performance and impression management in shaping personal identity and social interactions. |
The Production of Space |
Henri Lefebvre |
1974 |
an influential analysis of the way that space and spatial relationships shape society and culture. |
Culture and Imperialism |
Edward Said |
1993 |
an influential critique of the way that imperialism has shaped and been shaped by culture. |
The Condition of Postmodernity |
David Harvey |
1989 |
an influential analysis of the nature of postmodernity and its impact on society and culture. |
The Visual Culture Reader |
edited by Nicholas Mirzoeff |
1998 |
a collection of essays that explores the role of visual media and representation in shaping culture and identity. |
The Death and Life of Great American Cities |
Jane Jacobs |
1961 |
an influential critique of urban planning and the impact of the built environment on culture and community. |
The Location of Culture |
Homi K. Bhabha |
1994 |
an influential analysis of the role of culture in shaping identity and power relations. |
Media Studies |
Book Title |
Author |
Year |
Description |
The Media Effect: How the News Influences Politics and Government |
David D. Perlmutter |
2010 |
a comprehensive analysis of the role of the media in shaping political discourse and decision-making. |
The Cultivation Theory: How the Media Affects Our Perception of Reality |
George Gerbner and Larry Gross |
1976 |
an influential theory of the way that media consumption shapes individuals’ perceptions of the world around them. |
Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business |
Neil Postman |
1985 |
an influential critique of the impact of entertainment values on public discourse and the erosion of serious intellectual content. |
The Political Economy of Media: Enduring Issues, Emerging Dilemmas |
Robert W. McChesney |
2008 |
a comprehensive analysis of the relationship between media and power, and the ways in which media industries are shaped by economic and political forces. |
The Media Monopoly |
Ben H. Bagdikian |
1983 |
an influential critique of the concentration of media ownership and the impact on the diversity of viewpoints and information available to the public. |
Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media |
Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky |
1988 |
an influential analysis of the way that media serve as a propaganda system for the powerful and the ways in which media content is shaped by corporate and political interests. |
The Spiral of Silence: Public Opinion, Our Social Skin |
Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann |
1984 |
an influential theory of the way that individuals’ perceptions of social norms and expectations shape their willingness to express their opinions publicly. |
The People’s Platform: Taking Back Power and Culture in the Digital Age |
Astra Taylor |
2014 |
an influential critique of the concentration of power in the tech industry and the impact on culture and democracy. |
Media, Culture, and Society: An Introduction |
David Gauntlett |
2011 |
a comprehensive introduction to media studies, covering a wide range of topics including media representation, media effects, and the political economy of media. |
The Culture of Control: Crime and Social Order in Contemporary Society |
David Garland |
2001 |
an influential analysis of the role of media and other cultural practices in shaping society’s understanding of crime and justice. |
Film Theory |
Book Title |
Author |
Year |
Description |
Film Art: An Introduction |
David Bordwell and Kristin Thompson |
1979 |
a classic introduction to film theory and analysis, covering a wide range of topics and offering a detailed analysis of the formal elements of film. |
Screening the Male: Exploring Masculinities in Hollywood Cinema |
Steven Cohan and Ina Rae Hark |
1993 |
an influential analysis of the representation of masculinities in Hollywood cinema and the cultural significance of these representations. |
The Cinematic Apparatus |
Jean-Louis Baudry |
1970 |
an influential theory of the way that cinema shapes our perception of reality and the ideological implications of this process. |
The Birth of the Clinic: An Archaeology of Medical Perception |
Michel Foucault |
1963 |
an influential analysis of the way that film and other visual media have shaped our understanding of the body and medicine. |
The Illusion of Life: Disney Animation |
Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston |
1981 |
a classic work on the history and techniques of animation, offering a detailed analysis of the art and craft of Disney animation in particular. |
The Film Theory Reader: Debates and Arguments |
edited by Marc Furstenau |
2010 |
a collection of classic and contemporary essays on film theory, covering a wide range of topics and providing a comprehensive overview of the field. |
The Matrix of Visual Culture: Working with Deleuze in Film Theory |
Patricia Pisters |
2003 |
an influential analysis of the way that film and other visual media shape our understanding of reality and the nature of experience. |
The Audiovisual Essay: Practice and Theory of Videographic Film and Moving Image Studies |
edited by Catherine Grant |
2016 |
a collection of essays that explore the potential of the videographic essay as a form of film and media criticism and analysis. |
Film Language: A Semiotics of the Cinema |
Christian Metz |
1974 |
a classic work of film theory that offers a comprehensive analysis of the way that cinema communicates meaning through its formal elements. |
Film, Form, and Culture |
Robert Phillip Kolker |
2006 |
a comprehensive introduction to film theory and analysis, covering a wide range of topics and offering a detailed analysis of the formal elements of film. |
Literary Criticism |
Book Title |
Author |
Year |
Description |
Literary Theory: An Introduction |
Terry Eagleton |
1983 |
a classic introduction to literary theory, covering a wide range of approaches and offering a detailed analysis of the key concepts and ideas of each. |
The Death of the Author |
Roland Barthes |
1967 |
an influential critique of the concept of the author and the role of the reader in the interpretation of texts. |
Structuralism and Semiotics |
Terence Hawkes |
1977 |
a classic introduction to structuralism and semiotics, covering the key ideas and concepts of these approaches and their application to literature and other cultural forms. |
The Practice of Everyday Life |
Michel de Certeau |
1980 |
an influential analysis of the way that individuals appropriate and resist cultural forms and practices in their everyday lives. |
How to Read Literature Like a Professor |
Thomas C. Foster |
2003 |
an accessible introduction to literary analysis, covering a wide range of topics and offering practical tips for interpreting and understanding literature. |
The Psychoanalytic Theory of Greek Tragedy |
C. Fred Alford |
1989 |
an influential analysis of the way that psychoanalytic theory can be used to interpret classical literature and the psychological themes it explores. |
The Ideology of the Aesthetic |
Terry Eagleton |
1990 |
an influential critique of the idea of the aesthetic and the ways in which it has been used to obscure political and social issues. |
Ideology |
Book Title |
Author |
Year |
Description |
Ideology: A Very Short Introduction |
Michael Freeden |
2011 |
a concise introduction to the concept of ideology, covering its history, key ideas, and its role in shaping political thought and action. |
The Ideology of the Aesthetic |
Terry Eagleton |
1990 |
an influential critique of the idea of the aesthetic and the ways in which it has been used to obscure political and social issues. |
Ideology and Utopia |
Karl Mannheim |
1936 |
a classic work of ideology theory that explores the ways in which ideas and beliefs shape social and political action. |
Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses |
Louis Althusser |
1970 |
an influential theory of the way that ideology shapes social and political structures and the ways in which individuals are subject to it. |
The Ideology of the Text |
Jonathan Culpeper |
2000 |
an influential analysis of the way that language and text can be used to express and obscure ideology. |
The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution |
Bernard Bailyn |
1967 |
an influential analysis of the way that ideology shaped the American Revolution and the formation of the United States. |
The Ideological Animal: The Nature of Beliefs and the Beliefs in Nature |
David L. Hull |
1998 |
an influential analysis of the relationship between ideology and scientific belief, and the ways in which ideology shapes scientific understanding. |