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- Birincil Kaynaklar (Kitap)
- Empirisme et subjectivité (1953) [Ampirizm ve Öznellik]
- Nietzsche et la philosophie (1962) [Nietzsche ve Felsefe]
- La philosophie critique de Kant (1963) [Kant Üzerine Dört Ders || Kant’ın Eleştirel/Eleştiri Felsefesi]
- Proust et les signes (1964, 2. 1976) [Proust ve Göstergeler]
- Le Bergsonisme (1966) [Bergsonculuk]
- Présentation de Sacher-Masoch (1967) [Sacher-Masoch’un Takdimi]
- Différence et répétition (1968) [Fark ve Tekrar]
- Spinoza et le problème de l’expression (1968) [Spinoza ve İfade Problemi]
- Expressionism in Philosophy: Spinoza (1990)
- Logique du sens (1969) [Anlamın Mantığı]
- Spinoza – Philosophie pratique (1970, 2. 1981) [Spinoza. Pratik Felsefe]
- {Félix Guattari} Capitalisme et schizophrénie. L’anti-Œdipe, 1972 [Anti Ödipus : Kapitalizm ve Şizofreni 1]
- {Michel Foucault} Intellectuals and Power: A Discussion Between Gilles Deleuze and Michel Foucault [Entelektüelin Siyasi İşlevi içinde]
- {Félix Guattari} Kafka: Pour une Littérature Mineure (1975) [Kafka – Minör Bir Edebiyat İçin]
- {Claire Parnet} Dialogues, 1977 & 1996 [Diyaloglar]
- {Carmelo Bene} Superpositions (1979) in Superpositions
- {Félix Guattari} Mille plateaux, 1980 [Bin Yayla]
- Francis Bacon – Logique de la sensation (1981)
- Cinéma I: L’image-mouvement (1983) [Sinema I – Hareket-İmge]
- Cinéma II: L’image-temps (1985)
- Foucault (1986) [Foucault]
- Le pli – Leibniz et le baroque (1988) [Leibniz Üzerine Beş Ders || Kıvrım / Leibniz ve Barok]
- Périclès et Verdi: La philosophie de Francois Châtelet (1988) [Perikles ve Verdi: François Chatelet’nin Felsefesi]
- Pourparlers (1990) [Müzakereler]
- {Félix Guattari} Qu’est-ce que la philosophie? (1991) [Felsefe Nedir?]
- Critique et clinique (1993) [Kritik ve Klinik]
- Pure Immanence (2001)
- L’île déserte et autres textes (2002) [Issız Ada ve Diğer Metinler]
- Deux régimes de fous et autres textes (2004) [İki Delilik Rejimi: Metinler ve Söyleşiler 1975-1995]
- İkincil Kaynaklar (Kitap)
- Ronald Bogue, Deleuze and Guattari, [Deleuze ve Guattari]1989
- Michael Hardt, Gilles Deleuze: an Apprenticeship in Philosophy, 1993 [Gilles Deleuze: Felsefede Bir Çıraklık]
- Steven Shaviro, The Cinematic Body, 1993
- Philip Goodchild, Deleuze and Guattari: An Introduction to the Politics of Desire, 1996 [Deleuze & Guattari: Arzu Politikasına Giriş]
- Paul Patton (ed.), Deleuze: A Critical Reader, 1996
- Alain Badiou, Deleuze: la clameur de l’être, 1997
- David Rodowick, Gilles Deleuze′s Time Machine, 1997
- Charles J. Stivale, The two-fold thought of Deleuze and Guattari, 1998
- John Marks, Gilles Deleuze: Vitalism and Multiplicity, 1998
- Keith Ansell-Pearson, Germinal Life: The Difference and Repetition of Deleuze, 1999
- Gregory Flaxman (ed.), The Brain Is the Screen: Deleuze and the Philosophy of Cinema, 2000
- Paul R. Patton, Deleuze and the political, 2000
- John Rajchman, The Deleuze Connections, [Deleuze Bağlantıları], 2000
- Patricia Pisters & Catherine M. Lord, Micropolitics of Media Culture: Reading the Rhizomes of Deleuze and Guattari, 2001
- Claire Colebrook, Gilles Deleuze, [Gilles Deleuze] 2002
- Claire Colebrook, Understanding Deleuze, 2002
- Jean-Jacques Lecercle, Deleuze and Language, 2002
- James Williams, Gilles Deleuze’s Difference and Repetition: A Critical Introduction and Guide, 2003
- Nicholas Thoburn, Deleuze, Marx and Politics, [Deleuze Marx ve Politika], 2003
- Ronald Bogue, Deleuze on Cinema, 2003
- Ronald Bogue, Deleuze on Literature, 2003
- Jean Khalfa (ed.), Introduction to the Philosophy of Gilles Deleuze, 2003
- Slavoj Zizek, Organs without Bodies: Deleuze and Consequences, 2004
- Todd May, Gilles Deleuze: An Introduction, 2005 [Deleuze: Bir Birey Nasıl Yaşayabilir]
- Charles J. Stivale, Gilles Deleuze: Key Concepts, 2005
- Claire Colebrook, Deleuze: A Guide for the Perplexed, 2006
- Constantin V. Boundas, Deleuze and Philosophy, 2006
- Peter Hallward, Out of This World: Deleuze and the Philosophy of Creation, 2006
- Ronald Bogue, Deleuze’s Way: Essays in Transverse Ethics and Aesthetics, 2007
- Anna Powell, Deleuze, Altered States and Film, 2007
- Spencer Shaw, Film Consciousness: From Phenomenology to Deleuze, 2008
- Ian Buchanan, Deleuze and Guattari’s ‘Anti-Oedipus’: A Reader’s Guide, 2008 [Deleuze ve Guattari’nin Anti-Ödipus’u: Okuyucu Rehberi]
- Ian Buchanan & Patricia MacCormack (ed.), Deleuze and the Schizoanalysis of Cinema, 2008
- Damian Sutton, Deleuze, [Deleuze], 2008
- Elena del Río, Deleuze and the Cinemas of Performance: Powers of Affection, 2008
- Constantin V. Boundas (ed.), Gilles Deleuze: The Intensive Reduction, 2009
- Eugene W. Holland, Daniel W. Smith & Charles J. Stivale (ed.), Gilles Deleuze: Image and Text, 2009
- François Dosse, Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari: Intersecting Lives, 2010
- Felicity Colman, Deleuze and Cinema: The Film Concepts, 2010
- Manuel DeLanda, Deleuze: History and Science, 2010
- Claire Colebrook, Deleuze and the Meaning of Life, 2010
- Philip Roberts & Richard Rushton, Schizoanalysis and Visual Culture, 2011
- Claire Colebrook, Blake, Deleuzian Aesthetics, and the Digital, 2012
- Daniel W. Smith, Essays on Deleuze, 2012
- Joe Hughes, Philosophy After Deleuze, [Deleuze’den Sonra Felsefe], 2012
- Gregg Lambert, In Search of a New Image of Thought: Gilles Deleuze and Philosophical Expressionism, 2012
- Nathan Widder, Political Theory After Deleuze, [Deleuze’den Sonra Siyaset Teorisi], 2012
- Anne Sauvagnargues, Deleuze and Art, 2013
- Andrew Culp, Dark Deleuze, 2016
- David Savat & Tauel Harper, Media After Deleuze, 2016
- Cogito, Sayı 82: Deleuze, Ortadan Başlamak, 2016
- Réda Bensmaïa, Gilles Deleuze, Postcolonial Theory, and the Philosophy of Limit, 2017
- Samantha Bankston, Deleuze and Becoming, 2017
- Henry Somers-Hall, Jeffrey A. Bell, James Williams (ed.), A Thousand Plateaus and Philosophy, 2018
- Ridvan Askin, Narrative and Becoming, 2018
- Allan James Thomas, Deleuze, Cinema and the Thought of the World, 2018
- Cheri Lynne Carr, Deleuze’s Kantian Ethos, 2018
- Barry Nevin, Cracking Gilles Deleuze’s Crystal, 2018
- Corry Shores, The Logic of Gilles Deleuze: Basic Principles. 2020
- Hanjo Berressem, Gilles Deleuze’s Luminous Philosophy, 2020
- Rahime Çokay Nebioğlu, Deleuze and the Schizoanalysis of Dystopia, 2020
- Jason Cullen, Deleuze and Ethology: A Philosophy of Entangled Life, 2020
- Joseph Weiss, The Dialectics of Music: Adorno, Benjamin, and Deleuze, 2021
- D. J. S. Cross, Deleuze and the Problem of Affect, 2021
- Tim Flanagan, Baroque Naturalism in Benjamin and Deleuze: The Art of Least Distances, 2021
- Ian Buchanan, The Incomplete Project of Schizoanalysis: Collected Essays on Deleuze and Guattari, 2021
- Eugene B. Young, Cinematic Art and Reversals of Power: Deleuze Via Blanchot, 2022
- Jan Rehmann, Deconstructing Postmodernist Nietzscheanism: Deleuze and Foucault, 2022
- Christine Daigle & Terrance H. McDonald (ed.), From Deleuze and Guattari to Posthumanism: Philosophies of Immanence, 2022
- İkincil Kaynaklar (Makale)
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- İkincil Kaynaklar (Video & Audio)
- Gilles Deleuze on Cinema: What is the Creative Act 1987
- International Deleuze Studies in Asia 2016 keynote1 / Ian Buchanan
- Todd May – about Gilles Deluze
- Zeynep Direk İle Felsefe Vakti
- Ulus Baker – ‘Deleuze ve diğerleri’
- Philip Goodchild – Gilles Deleuze
- Ali Akay – Deleuze ve Psikanaliz
- Ian Buchanan – Deleuze’s Inspirations: Artaud, Lawrence and Freud
- Patricia MacCormack – Deleuze and the Demonological Text
- Partially Examined Life podcast – Deleuze – What Is Philosophy?
- Slavoj Zizek – Deleuze And The Virtual In Reality
- Dave Harris – Deleuze for the Desperate #1 Introduction
- Jacques Derrida – Gilles Deleuze: On Forgiveness
- Dave Harris – Deleuze for the Desperate
- Hakan Yücefer – Deleuze Düşüncesine Bir Giriş
- Sercan Çalcı – Biyopolitika ve Gilles Deleuze
- Manuel Delanda, “Deleuze and the Use of the Genetic Algorithm in Architecture”
- İkincil Kaynaklar (Web)
- Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- Dave Harris and Colleagues – Notes
- Generation Online – Quotes & Resources
- Deleuze Cinema
- Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: A Peer Reviewed Academic Resource
- Mythos and Logos