- Thomas l’Obscur, 1941 [Karanlık Thomas]
- Aminadab, 1942
- L’Arrêt de mort, 1948 [Ölüm Hükmü]
- Faux Pas, 1943
- Le Très-Haut, 1949 [Yüceler Yücesi]
- La Part du feu, 1949
- L’Espace littéraire, 1955 [Yazınsal Uzam]
- Le Dernier homme, 1957 [Son İnsan]
- Le Livre à venir, 1959 (The Book to Come)
- L’attente, l’oubli, 1962 [Bekleyiş Unutuş]
- L’Entretien infini, 1969 (The Infinite Conversation)
- L’Amitié, 1971 [Dostluk]
- Le Pas au-delà, 1973 [Öteye Adım – Yok Ötesi]
- La Folie du jour, 1973 [Günün Deliliği]
- L’Ecriture du désastre, 1980 [Felaket Yazısı]
- La Communauté inavouable, 1983 [İtiraf Edilemeyen Cemaat]
- Après coup, Précédé par Le Ressassement éternel, 1983 [Sonradan Sonsuz Yineleme]
- L’Instant de ma mort, 1994 [Ölüm Anım]
- Une voix venue d’ailleurs, 2002
- Steven Shaviro, Passion & Excess: Blanchot, Bataille, and Literary Theory, 1990
- Hélène Cixous, Readings: The Poetics of Blanchot, Joyce, Kafka, Kleist, Lispector, and Tsvetayeva, 1991
- John Gregg, Maurice Blanchot and the Literature of Transgression, 1994
- Steven Ungar, Scandal & Aftereffect: Blanchot and France since 1930, 1995
- Carolyn Bailey Gill, Maurice Blanchot: The Demand of Writing, 1996
- Deborah M. Hess, Complexity in Maurice Blanchot’s Fiction: Relations Between Science and Literature, 1999
- Deborah M. Hess, Politics and Literature: The Case of Maurice Blanchot, 1999
- Leslie Hill, Blanchot: Extreme Contemporary, 2002
- Gerald L. Bruns, Maurice Blanchot: The Refusal of Philosophy, 2002
- Kevin Hart, Nowhere Without No: In Memory of Maurice Blanchot, 2003
- Kevin Hart, The Dark Gaze: Maurice Blanchot and the Sacred, 2004
- Kevin Hart & Geoffrey H. Hartman, The Power of Contestation: Perspectives on Maurice Blanchot, 2004
- Lars Iyer, Blanchot’s Communism: Art, Philosophy and the Political, 2004
- Lars Iyer, Blanchot’s Vigilance: Literature, Phenomenology and the Ethical, 2005
- Eugene Chang, Disaster and Hope: A Study of Walter Benjamin and Maurice Blanchot, 2006
- Outi Alanko-Kahiluoto, Writing Otherwise Than Seeing: Writing and Exteriority in Maurice Blanchot, 2007
- Kevin Hart, Clandestine Encounters: Philosophy in the Narratives of Maurice Blanchot, 2010
- Leslie Hill, Radical Indecision: Barthes, Blanchot, Derrida, and the Future of Criticism, 2010
- John McKeane & Hannes Opelz (eds.), Blanchot Romantique: A Collection of Essays, 2011
- Mark Hewson, Blanchot and Literary Criticism, 2011
- Leslie Hill, Maurice Blanchot and Fragmentary Writing: A Change of Epoch, 2012
- Ian Maclachlan, Marking Time: Derrida, Blanchot, Beckett des Forêts Klossowski Laporte, 2012
- Christopher Fynsk, Last Steps: Maurice Blanchot’s Exilic Writing, 2013
- Aaron Hillyer, The Disappearance of Literature: Blanchot, Agamben, and the Writers of the No, 2013
- Crispin T. Lee, Haptic Experience in the Writings of Georges Bataille, Maurice Blanchot and Michel Serres, 2014
- Jeff Fort, The Imperative to Write: Destitutions of the Sublime in Kafka, Blanchot, and Beckett, 2014
- Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe, Ending and Unending Agony: On Maurice Blanchot, 2015
- David Applebaum, In His Voice: Maurice Blanchot’s Affair with the Neuter, 2016
- William S. Allen, Aesthetics of Negativity: Blanchot, Adorno, and Autonomy, 2016
- William S. Allen, Blanchot and the Outside of Literature, 2018
- Christophe Bident, Maurice Blanchot: A Critical Biography, 2018
- Leslie Hill, Nancy, Blanchot: A Serious Controversy, 2018
- Christopher Fynsk. A Brief Introduction to Maurice Blanchot 2012 - Christopher Fynsk. The Question of Language and Literature in Blanchot. 2012 - Christopher Fynsk. Interruption, Fatigue, Weariness and The Other in Blanchot. 2012 - Christopher Fynsk. Blanchot’s Infinite Conversation. 2012 - Christopher Fynsk. Blanchot’s Madness of the Day, Death, Sovereignty and Refusal of the Order. 2012 - Christopher Fynsk. On Maurice Blanchot’s “Dans la nuit surveillée”. 2015 - Maurice Blanchot and the ‘Sense of History’ – Marc Nichanian - Nietzsche 3/13: Blanchot